Pharmaceutical Society of Jamaica

Executive Team 2014 – 2016

PSJ Exec.2014-2016

President Dr. Lisa Bromfield
1st Vice President Dr. Ernestine Watson
2nd Vice President Dr. Michelle Russell
Secretary Mrs. Keisha Barrett-Clarke
Assistant Secretary Ms. Deidra-Kaye Henry
Treasurer Mr. Livingston Burnett
Assistant Treasurer Mr. Basil Wright

Executive Members

Dr. Michelle Young Brown
Dr. Janette Stewart
Mr. Christopher Curtis: Immediate Past Pres.
Mrs. Donna-Marie Thomas: Immediate Past Secy.
Mr. Clive Harris
Mr. Tyrone Smith
Mr. Ainsley Jones
Mr. Patrick Changor
Dr. Norman Dunn – Co-opted

Committees & Chair-persons

Standards & Ethics TBD
Public Relations Mr Ainsley Jones
Fundraising Mrs. Donna Thomas
Retreat Coordinator Mr. Tyrone Smith
Continuing Education Mrs Michelle Isaacs
Research Dr. Michelle Young Brown
Training Dr Andrea Daly
Representation Mr. Livingston Burnett
Editorial Ms. Roxana Mullings
Membership & Support Dr Janette Stewart/Mrs. Deidra-Kaye Henry
Building Committee Mr Basil Wright
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