Theme: “Pharmacy..our profession, our passion”
We look forward to seeing you at this year’s retreat to be held at the Hilton Rose Hall Resort & Spa, June 15-17, 2012.
The Pharmaceutical Society of Jamaica hosts an annual educational retreat that is geared towards providing opportunities for pharmacists to continue developing their competencies as well a medium for them to unwind. Being the knowledge-based profession that it is, this undertaking by the Society was crucial. This event started as a one (1) day conference named the ‘Annual Continuing Education Seminar’ in the late 70’s which over the years grew into a weekend of several activities, hence the name change, “Annual Pharmaceutical Retreat.”
Goals and Objectives
- To provide educational activities that will reinforce and increase knowledge base.
- To provide a setting in which Pharmacists can brainstorm to develop strategic plans to deal with business and practice issues.
- To provide a medium in which geographically dispersed pharmacists are reunited.
- To provide an environment for relaxation and entertainment for both health professionals and their family.
- To make a surplus to fund other activities and day to day running of the Society.
- To provide valuable benefits to our sponsors.
Target Audience
The Pharmacy retreat is aimed at attracting health professionals and the public. The targeted audience is subdivided into two categories:
Primary Audience: This section of the targeted populace consists of Pharmacists Island wide.
Secondary Audience: This section of the targeted populace will consist of pharmacy technicians, assistants, Pharmacy interns and students, doctors, nurses and other health professionals in and out of the corporate area. Pharmacy owners and pharmaceutical companies, both distributors and manufacturers are a part of this group.
Tertiary Audience: Family members and the public at large are also catered for.
Over the past twenty six (26) years the number of persons in attendance to the retreat has increased. The Gleaner, (dated Wednesday June 23, 2004) reported that year’s Annual Retreat has being the largest in the event’s history. The following information shows the number of pharmacists in attendance for the last four (4) years.
2010 – 374 pharmacists
2009 – 377 pharmacists
2008 – 378 pharmacists
2007 – 362 pharmacists
*Only the attendance of pharmacists was logged. However, an estimated 550 persons in total were in attendance at 2010 retreat.
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