Approximately 400 participants registered for Retreat 2014, which was held at the Sunset Jamaica Grande Resort Spa and Conference Centre, Ocho Rios, Friday June 20-Sunday 22, under the theme “Advancing Pharmacy; Improving Health Care”.
The Friday afternoon Workshop on “Contraceptives Today: Individualizing Therapy“, was very informative and highly interactive. Retreat topics were relevant, interesting and informative and elicited a number of interesting questions and lively discussion. Copies of the presentations will be posted as they are received.
The opening ceremony, chaired by past president Mrs. Grace Muir Hector, was very impressive! It started off with a procession of PSJ’s past presidents and members of the current executive. Dr. Cecil White, CEO of the University Hospital of the West Indies, was the guest speaker at the opening ceremony and Deputy Mayor of St. Ann, Counselor Desmond Redway, declared the Retreat officially open.
The launch of our 5K charity walk (2014) was another high point of the opening ceremony and created much excitement and interest. Dancers in vibrant costumes danced to Pharrell William’s “Happy”! The audience couldn’t keep their seats! They danced along also! We are anticipating great support for this year’s 5K, part proceeds of which will be donated to the National Road safety Council, to support their programmes. The 5K is scheduled for Sunday, September 21
We extend our sincere gratitude to the sponsors of Retreat 2014, without whom this event may not have been the success it was. We encourage our members to support our sponsors as much as possible.
Congratulations and thanks to the Retreat Planning Committee; the staff of the PSJ Secretariat; the PSJ Executive; pharmacists, pharmacy interns and pharmacy students who volunteered; staff of the Jamaica Grande and all persons who contributed in any way to the success of Retreat 2014!