Pharmaceutical Society of Jamaica

Pharmaceutical Society of Jamaica 5K Walk/Run

This year the Pharmaceutical Society of Jamaica’s Pharmacy week of activities culminates with the staging our inaugural 5K Walk/Run. The event aims to bring out hundreds of participants of all ages showing support for persons living with diabetes.

The race starts and ends at the PSJ Secretariat on Lady Musgrave Road and is followed by entertainment and award presentation.

5k Run Poster

Start from PSJ Entrance, make a left unto Lady Musgrave.
At the stop-light make a left unto Upper Lady Musgrave all the way to TGI Fridays.
Make a left unto Hope Rd then travel down to Trafalgar road.
Travel easterly on Trafalgar then make a left unto Downer Ave.
On completing Downer Ave make a left unto Old Hope Rd, then make the immediate left unto Windsor Ave.
At the top of Windsor make a left unto Fairway then a right unto Lady Musgrave.
Finish at PSJ Headquarters.
(Total- 5.1Km)

Route Map
5k Route

Prizes will be awarded to:
Top 3 finishers Walking (Male and Female)
Top 3 finishers Running (Male and Female)
1st team to sign up
Best Dressed Team
Largest Team
Largest Pharmacy Team
Oldest Person to complete the event
Youngest Person to complete the event

Download the PSJ 5k Run-Walk Entry Form

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