Pharmaceutical Society of Jamaica


Theme 2015: “Pharmacists: Knowledgeable, Accessible, Promoting Health and Wellness”

This year’s Annual Conference of the PSJ will be held, June 26 to 28, at the Hilton Rose Hall Resort & Spa Montego Bay, St. James.

A copy of the Conference registration form is available on line or you may obtain a copy of the form from the PSJ’s Head Office, 41 Lady Musgrave Road, Kingston 5. Email the completed form to the PSJ Secretariat: or drop it off at the office.

Payment for registration may be made at our headquarters or at any branch of Sagicor Bank, Account # 0501 3100 062 99 (Liguanea Branch).

Kindly fax proof of deposit to the PSJ: 978-7280 with your name printed legibly on the form.

On Friday June 26, there will be a Workshop: “Asthma Management, The Pharmacist’s Role”. Three (3) CE Credits could be earned. Workshop spaces are limited (maximum 60 participants) so make sure to register early!

The Opening Ceremony will take place on Saturday June 26. Guest speaker is Mr. Cordel Green, Executive Director of the Broadcasting Commission.

Click to review registration information, and conference poster. See also programme schedule

Don’t miss the fantastic entertainment package arranged for the evening of Saturday June 27. Prepare to have a grand time! Bring the family!

The Pharmaceutical Society of Jamaica thanks our sponsors for their invaluable support, which has enabled us to stage these educational conferences.

Note: An Annual General Meeting will take place on Sunday June 28, 2015 commencing at 9:20 am. All members are urged to attend. Election of a representative to the Pharmacy Council will take place.

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