Pharmaceutical Society of Jamaica

PSJ 5K Walk Run: Sunday September 20, 2015

Get Ready For it… Get Ready For it… Get Ready for it… September 20th! It’s here again, our 3rd Annual 5K Walk/Run. This year we are partnering with the Kidney Support Foundation of Jamaica to produce a bigger and better 5K Walk/Run. Invite your colleagues, relatives and friends to participate. You may enter as a team or individually.

2015 5k Run/Walk Poster

The proceeds from this year’s event will be donated to the Kidney Support Foundation of Jamaica towards their Dialysis Assistance Project for patients who are unable to afford dialysis here in Jamaica. Additionally, The Kiwanis Club of Constant Spring will be our other beneficiary as they try to raise money towards a global fund to eliminate Maternal Neonatal Tetanus Virus (MNT) via the Eliminate Project. Participants will therefore be keeping fit and having fun while assisting a very worthy cause. This year we are Proud to announce Warren Weir, Juliet Cuthbert-Flynn, Ramone McKenzie, Jaheel Hyde and Kaci Fennel as our Race Ambassadors.

PSJ 2015 5K Map

We invite Companies to come on board as sponsors and encourage their staff members to take part.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for more Information or contact our Secretariat.

The event starts and ends at the Police Officers, 34 Hope Road. See flyers for more information!

You may contact the PSJ Secretariat Phone: (LL) 978-4103/978-4199; (cell) 568-1404; Fax: 978-7280; email: for more information.